Small, meaningful things can change a neighborhood.

Untether Life is a 501c3 based out of Virginia and operating in Guatemala City. We are a collective of people with like-minded hearts who want to see the gospel advance through the loving of our neighbor.

A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

- Matthew 22:39 NLT


A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' - Matthew 22:39 NLT //

Current Neighbor Project: Sandra’s House

Sandra stands in a kitchen next to her new oven and stove, with a thank you message and cooking utensils in the background.

A current Neighbor Project is completing a home for a woman name Sandra, in the town of Santa Catarina Bobadilla in Guatemala. Sandra’s family has suffered extremely hard times due to the pandemic and then in December, her husband was killed in a motorcycle accident. This has required the three older children to leave school and work hard to continue the work of finishing the house so they can move in. 2022’s rain season also has continued to displace the family to a room in a home with a family member, as their other building was condemned due to water damage. We are partnering with this family to see their house come to a place of completion by outfitting it with the necessary things that make a home a home such as: appliances, beds, lighting, and other needs.

Witness the progress of Sandra's family home and be a part of their journey. Watch the Neighbor Project video for Sandra's House now!

Untether Life‬ works to break down challenges by offering small ideas that can bring big impact.

Have you considered how you can help with issues of unwanted pregnancy and displaced children? Consider small ways to help foster families.

Want to see what else is happening? Check out Ginny’s personal blog here!

Read & Recharge

with our

Here we gather our words and our experiences. Each week the UL Blog features a different writer from different regions, cultures, and languages. Our blogs can be translated through user browsers and highlights stories and experiences of love in action. Our prayer is to inspire and encourage you to open yourself up to those around you to see where you can be the hands of Jesus and love your neighbor as yourself. 

  • We exist to gather local communities that create vehicles of change through project-focused social and philanthropic involvement.

  • People want to be a part of the solution without knowing how they can offer help and change. By creating community gatherings with people who have it within their hand to help others, we create a community who sees their neighbor’s needs and creates collaborative project-based initiatives to love and lift each other up.

    This solves an epidemic of loneliness creating belonging, purpose, and fulfillment.

  • We have become a people focused on our individual self; we often see issues and needs without taking action. Communities are hard to build, and more and more we don’t know the people living right next door. In turn, it’s becoming harder to connect with others which makes it hard to see the needs of the people around us.

  • We call it the “Hey Somebody” approach…many find themselves observing a situation that needs attention and think, “Somebody should do something.” We remind others through our community gatherings that the power of change is within their own hands. By empowering others to know they are “somebody” they can find a way to put action to the intention within their own neighborhoods.

    These groups are created by social and philanthropic based events and gatherings that create community and connecting those who can and will help.

  • Tubac Pterygium Surgery - Watch Video

    Another project is teaming with a local ophthalmologist to assist in helping Josefina and Augusto Tubac get the medical attention they need for their increasing Pterygium. Pterygium is a growth that starts on the clear tissue of the eye that can and has spread to the corneas on both eyes for the Tubacs. They will each receive two surgeries to repair both eyes.

    The Tubac’s live in a small village called Bolo de Oro, an hour and a half from Guatemala City.  They use their home to serve and attend to their village. With seven children they still opened their home to offer a homemade soup Josefina made twice a week to feed her neighbors during the hardest times of pandemic. They would line up twice a week to receive a meal for their family in a tough time and bring a few sticks of firewood to contribute. Guatemala has finally opened up from pandemic restrictions but they continue to open their home to host English classes, nutritional cooking classes, and many other community gatherings in her home in a desire to help elevate their neighbors.

Shop with Purpose!

Untether Life partners with local artists to support fair trade practices, community development, and project advancement. These artists use traditional fibers and weaving techniques to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces with practical uses. Your purchase provide income for local artisans, contribute to fair trade practices, and support Untether Life's Neighbor Projects, to lift our neighbors and love them as ourselves.

Join our Community

Will you join our community and partner with us?

Partner together with Untether Life and The Neighbor Project to put a family in a home, provide health answers and lift a community to see hope when they don’t see a lot.

Together, we truly believe that we can lift generations to empower them to help in creating the world we are longing to see.

Check out our full pitch deck here.

Contact us!


WhatsAPP: +1(757) 289-9930

Phone: +1(757) 289-9930 (USA) || +502 5822-7730 (Guatemala)

Partner with us.

Help continue the work of Untether Life where we are working hard building community that empowers.