love on, serve

I love thinking about the people you meet along life’s journey. The ones who leave a lasting mark long after they are gone. The ones that always bring a smile or a spark of joy even when they aren’t around; the people who simply know how to love others well. 

Recently, one of these people in my life went to heaven. He was one of the most faithful men I’ve ever known: faithful to his wife, his kids, his church, his God! He would do anything, for anyone at the drop of a hat. He served in our Nation’s military, he served his church in any way that was needed, he served his family day in and day out. He didn’t do it for the recognition, or the glory, he was simply living the best way he knew how - to serve and love others. 

This legend knew how to read a room and fill the need. He would tell a joke when there needed to be joy. He would move some boxes when there needed to be strength. He would be a listening ear when there needed to be patience. He loved every person he came in contact with; his life was a reflection of God’s love. 

God’s love brings light to the dark places. Serving people starts right where we are. Loving people starts right where we are. Giving people a ride…cooking them a meal…grabbing a cup of coffee with someone…praying for people we like and for those we don’t!  It starts here.

Hebrews 13:16 says “Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship - a different kind of ‘sacrifice’ - that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.”

Let us not become so fixated on being great or being known, that we forget to love. Let’s let Christ’s love shine through us and be ready to share our joy and our love, seeing the ‘need’ that is around us. 

Kyra Leyshon

Kyra is a devoted wife and a mom of her two boys. She calls North Carolina home, but will always cheer for the Dallas Cowboys. She loves her church and has a passion to see people growing in community and their walk with God.


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