Writer’s Community

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Mayra Maldonado Mayra Maldonado

Incaparina y barritas de granola

Creo que es importante no olvidar a estas personas, seguramente tienen una historia que contar y situaciones que los llevaron a estar en la calle pidiendo un poco de dinero y con este gesto no estoy intentando solucionar nada la verdad, hace falta mucho para esto, pero si por lo menos puedo quitarle un poco el hambre a alguien creo que es un buen inicio.

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Kelby Hamilton Kelby Hamilton

Secure your mask

As I was seated and ready for takeoff, the stewardess approached the front of the plane. Usually, this is the part of the flight where I am already pages deep into my book and can’t be bothered listening to the mundane safety speech; that at this point of my life I could repeat verbatim.

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Jordan Brown Jordan Brown

Giving Life New “Meaning”

There are many good and caring people who don’t have the empathy to fully understand homelessness; to know what it’s like to endure the elements in any capacity with no guarantee of shelter. I’m not one of those people. At a young age of 22, for no other reason than pride, I found myself living in my car in the frost of one of the coldest winters in Hampton Roads.

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Josh Chase Josh Chase

Helping on your way to healthy

They needed me and I wanna be here for them. So, this is what I held on to. They were my “something to live for” until I gathered the strength and built up the trust to live for God again.

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Dario Maldonado Dario Maldonado

Sembrando Esperanza

Permíteme llevarte más profundamente a la vida de mi amigo Mateo, un hombre extraordinario que ha dedicado su existencia a hacer una diferencia tangible en la comunidad que lo rodea.

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Grace Sims Grace Sims

How People Will Know

I have three kids, a 15 year-old daughter and twins, boy and girl, who are 12. Raising kids is no easy feat; raising kids who love Jesus and are called to make the world better is even harder.

As most of us will remember from childhood, kids are cruel. Growing up, you may have…

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Debbie Stollery Debbie Stollery

All About The Subway

He sat there, on the curb, unsheltered from the bitter wind. His oversized brown coat and baggy trousers barely hid his skeletal body. His gray, greasy hair and dirty beard could not hide his sapphire blue eyes. His sign said, “Homeless and hungry. Anything will help. God bless you.” For several weeks…

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Ginny Paynter Ginny Paynter

Brown Bag For a Dark Place

A few years ago a friend got it in her heart to put a bunch of non-perishable food in brown lunch bags and pass them out to homeless people. She wanted to distribute 50 bags, so I took some. I left them in my car and when I would come across someone…

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